
The following is a list of courses and Instructors for the Summer Institutes to be held in Atlanta from May 28th – June 13th, 2025

There are four streams, generally with an offering in each of the five half-week sessions. The streams are merely guides, though they do reflect to some degree historical patterns of which courses students take successively. You may however choose any combination of courses: for example Modules 1, 7 and 10 might provide a great foundation for someone new to epigenetic analysis. Another option is to come back next year and take a second offering that was not available to you this year. Once you have decided which courses to take, please move to the Admissions link to initiate the application process. Most students take two or three modules, but you may take one (or four or five, though that is not recommended in one year). Please only nominate one course for each time block, we will let you know if it is no longer available. Please note that all modules are in-person only. There will be no virtual option available this year.

May 28 – May 30, 2025

INT1: Genetics and GenomicsGreg Gibson, Joanne Cole
INT2: Introduction to R and PythonPatrick McGrath, Sini Nagpal

June 2 – June 4, 2025

HE1: Health Disparities ResearchKing Jordan, Leo Mariño-Ramirez
IG1: Microbiome and MetabolomicsRan Blekhman, Youssef Idaghdour
QG1: Quantitative GeneticsBruce Walsh, Guilherme Rosa
S1: Forensic GeneticsSanne Albers, Mike Coble, Bruce Weir

June 4 – June 6, 2025

HE2: Statistical GeneticsBruce Weir, Jérôme Goudet
IG2: Epigenetics & Gene RegulationKaren Conneely, Jingjing Yang
QG2: Mixed Models in Quantitative GeneticsBruce Walsh, Guilherme Rosa
S2: Bayesian StatisticsKen Rice, Steve Qin

June 9 – June 11, 2025

HE3: Artificial Intelligence/ML for GeneticsSudhir Kumar, Mindy Shi
IG3: Gene Expression & Single Cell GenomicsGreg Gibson, Peng Qiu
QG3: Association MappingJoelle Mbatchou, Moeen Riaz
S3: Regression and RegularizationIan Dworkin

June 11 – June 13, 2025

HE4: Molecular EvolutionJoe Lachance, Raquel Assis
IG4: Pathway and Network AnalysisAlison Motsinger-Reif, Ali Shojaie
QG4: Whole Genome Sequence AnalysisLaura Raffield, Matt Conomos
S4: MCMC for GeneticsMatthew Stephens, Eric Anderson

The Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics (SISG) has introduced geneticists to modern methods of statistical analysis and statisticians to the challenges posed by modern genetic data. The goal of SISG is to strengthen the statistical and genetic proficiency and career preparation of scholars from all backgrounds, especially those from groups historically underrepresented in STEM such as racial and ethnic minority groups, low income, first generation college students, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ groups. As before, a series of 18 modules, each two-and-a-half days long, will be held in five sessions with four streams each according to the schedule above.

For up to 40 US resident graduate students, we will provide scholarships covering tuition, board and lodging in campus dormitories and some travel support.  Fees for post-docs, industry scientists and other students are listed under the About tab above, including early-bird offerings for those who register prior to April 15th